Monday, July 29, 2013

Nun on mission to stop human trafficking

(Cincinnati, OH, USA) – Sister Joan Krimm is 83 years old and has not gone quietly into retirement. This Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur nun is leading the fight against human trafficking and sexual slavery from her convent in Reading. “"Sister Krimm is a force to be reckoned with. She is determined and hard-working. She is trusted because it is understood that her strong religious beliefs and moral principles are behind her actions," said FBI Special Agent Pam Matson. "Her motives for being involved in the anti-trafficking movement are rightfully perceived as pure and loving, with no hidden agenda."” Sister Joan helps the cause against human trafficking by educating, although she initially wanted to help the victims where she could find them: in hotel rooms and street corners. However, the FBI and leaders of a local anti-human trafficking coalition told her that working directly with the victims could put them in even greater danger. So, Sister Joan and a friend, Sister Karen Hartman decided to write a letter to every hotel and motel in the Cincinnati area. “"Then we followed up with them to try to meet with them," Sister Joan said. "Some were interested, some were not."” The idea is for the staff in these companies to know what to look for so they can identify possible trafficking and help victims. Sister Krimm has also been giving talks at schools where she used to teach, and people are willing to listen to her, with some parents even thanking her for talking about the issue.

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